I’m excited to announce my first picture book How to Eat Breakfast has been published by Lyric Power Publishing, which offers “delightful children’s books designed to make learning about science fun.”
The book begins as her mother sets down a plate of pancakes for Wanda and says, “Now eat them while they’re still hot.” But Wanda would not. She just sat and stared at her feet dreaming of other ways to eat. So begins Wanda’s imaginary adventures in watching how animals eat.
I am fortunate to have teamed up with talented author, Gene Twaronite, in creating traditional watercolor illustrations to his poetic words. It was a treat to be able to illustrate two of my favorite things: animals and food.
Watch the book’s video trailer here to see the magic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJgLF9gbbpA
Our book is now available from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CWJ8FNH?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
Stay safe, have fun everyone, and happy reading!